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Today we will discuss in detail how to increase Hemoglobin levels naturally
Table of Contents
- 1 How to Increase Hemoglobin:
- 2 Top Hemoglobin Foods That Can Increase Your Hemoglobin Naturally
- 3 What Happens When Your Hemoglobin is Low?
- 4 Listed Below are the Top Hemoglobin Food Items That Help You Increase your Hemoglobin Levels:
- 5 Other Tips to Increase Your Hemoglobin Levels at Home:
- 6 How to increase hemoglobin: Home remedies
- 7 How to increase hemoglobin:
- 8 A person can raise their hemoglobin levels at home by:
- 9 Increasing folate intake
- 10 Maximizing iron absorption
- 11 How to Increase Hemoglobin in Child:
- 12 What are the Symptoms of Low Hemoglobin in the blood?
- 13 How to improve blood hemoglobin count?
- 13.1 Foods to Increase Hemoglobin:
- 13.2 Include foods rich in vitamin C with iron-rich foods in the diet:
- 13.3 Increase your intake of folic acid:
- 13.4 Avoid foods that block the absorption of iron in the body:
- 13.5 Opt for high-intensity exercise when you exercise:
- 13.6 Take iron supplements only after consultation:
- 14 How to Increase Hemoglobin Fast Naturally?
- 15 People Also Search for How to Increase Hemoglobin:
- 16 FAQs About How to Increase Hemoglobin:
How to Increase Hemoglobin:
Low Hemoglobin count is quite common, especially in women. However, most of us are not aware of it(How to Increase Hemoglobin). During any routine health check-up or any blood test, we come to know that our hemoglobin is low.
However, you should know that a low hemoglobin count, if left untreated, can lead to iron-deficiency anemia.
Iron deficiency anemia is one of the leading causes of low hemoglobin, but there are other factors that can put you at risk for low levels of hemoglobin.

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Some common health conditions that can cause a low hemoglobin count include pregnancy, menstruation, liver disease, recent surgical interventions, or urinary tract infections.
Before we discuss some home remedies to increase hemoglobin levels in the blood, there are a few things you need to know.
Top Hemoglobin Foods That Can Increase Your Hemoglobin Naturally

Hemoglobin, an iron-rich protein found in the red blood cells, renders the red color to your blood. It is responsible for carrying oxygen and transporting it to all the parts of the body. In addition to transporting oxygen, it carries carbon dioxide away from the cells and to the lungs for expulsion. Basically, hemoglobin is a very important protein, crucial for leading a healthy life.
What Happens When Your Hemoglobin is Low?

A drop in the level of hemoglobin can make it difficult for the body’s organs to get enough oxygen, which can lead to a plethora of symptoms including fatigue, dizziness, headaches, shortness of breath, fast heart rate, pale skin, etc. Decreased levels of hemoglobin in the blood are called anemia.
Low hemoglobin level is quite common in India, especially in women. The normal level of hemoglobin required for adult men is around 14 to 18 g/dL and for adult women, it’s 12 to 16 g/dL. Anything less than these levels can result in anemia.
It is vitally important that adequate measures are taken to improve your hemoglobin levels. Your diet can play a significant role in the synthesis of hemoglobin and maintain an optimum level of hemoglobin.
Listed Below are the Top Hemoglobin Food Items That Help You Increase your Hemoglobin Levels:
- Beetroot:
Beetroot is enriched with natural iron, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, and vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, and C. The wealth of nutrients in this wondrous vegetable helps in increasing the hemoglobin count and regeneration of red blood cells. It can be consumed raw as salad or in cooked form. Alternatively, you can even blend it and prepare a glass of beetroot juice. - Moringa Leaves:
Moringa leaves are rich in minerals like zinc, iron, copper, magnesium, and vitamins A, B, and C. Take a few finely chopped moringa leaves and make a paste, add a teaspoon of jaggery powder, and blend well. Consume this powder regularly along with breakfast to improve your hemoglobin level and red blood cells count. - Green Leafy Vegetables:
Green vegetables to increase hemoglobin like spinach, mustard greens, celery, and broccoli are rich vegetarian sources of iron. It is advised to have cooked spinach as raw leaves contain oxalic acid which may prevent the absorption of iron in the body. This leafy green vegetable is a natural source of vitamin B12, folic acid, and other vital nutrients, and you should make it a staple part of your daily platter if you want to increase your hemoglobin.
Broccoli is a rich source of iron and B-complex vitamin folic acid and also contains a healthy amount of other essential nutrients like magnesium, vitamins A and C. Moreover, green veggies are low in calories and are good sources of dietary fiber. Hence, they can also help you with weight loss and improve digestion.
- Dates, Raisins & Figs:
Dates and raisins offer a combination of iron and Vitamin C. Figs, on the other hand, are packed with the goodness of iron, magnesium, vitamin A, and folate. Consuming a handful of dried figs and raisins and two or three dates in the morning can provide you with instant energy and improve your hemoglobin levels. It is also recommended to have fig milk at bedtime twice a week to increase hemoglobin levels. Diabetics should take such dry fruits in moderation only. - Sesame Seeds:
Eating black sesame seeds is another great way of increasing your iron intake as they are loaded with iron, calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc, selenium, and vitamins B6, E, and folate. You can soak them in some water and leave them overnight before consuming them the next morning. Mix about 1 tablespoon of dry roasted black sesame seeds with a teaspoon of honey and roll into a ball. Consume this nutritious laddu regularly to Increase your iron levels. You can sprinkle some over your cereal or oatmeal or even yogurts and fruit salads.
Other Tips to Increase Your Hemoglobin Levels at Home:
Rely on Fruits:
Apricots, apples, grapes, bananas, pomegranates, and watermelons play a very important role in improving hemoglobin count. Apples are a delicious and suitable option when it comes to Increasing hemoglobin levels as they’re one of the most iron-rich fruits out there. Pomegranate is a rich source of both iron and calcium along with protein and fiber. Its nutritional value makes it a perfect source for people with low levels of hemoglobin. Add these fruits to increase hemoglobin to your bowl of cereal or oatmeal, add them to your salads for a little sweetness, or put them in your milkshakes, smoothies, or fruit juices
Consume food cooked in iron utensils:
This is because an iron utensil fortifies your food with iron, making it potent for people suffering from low hemoglobin levels.
Take the help of Vitamin C Rich Foods: Include vitamin C in your diet as it helps your body to absorb iron more efficiently. Eat more gooseberry, oranges, lemon, sweet lime, strawberries, bell peppers, tomatoes, grapefruits, and berries, as they are super rich in vitamin C. Make it a habit of consuming these natural sources of Vitamin C regularly.
Avoid iron blockers:
Cut down on eating foods that hinder iron absorption in your body, especially if you have a low hemoglobin count. Limit the intake of hemoglobin foods rich in polyphenols, tannins, phytates, and oxalic acid such as tea, coffee, cocoa, soy products, wine, beer, cola, and aerated drinks.
Opt for moderate to high-intensity workouts: When you exercise, your body produces more hemoglobin to meet the increasing demand for oxygen throughout the body.
Add supplements when needed:
Some cases of low hemoglobin count can’t be fixed through diet alone. You may need to take oral iron supplements or additional treatments. Before you start taking an iron supplement, consult your doctor.
How to increase hemoglobin: Home remedies

Hemoglobin is a protein found in the red blood cells. These cells are responsible for carrying oxygen around the body. Dietary measures and supplements may help boost hemoglobin levels at home.
In addition to transporting oxygen, hemoglobin carries carbon dioxide out of the cells and into the lungs. Carbon dioxide is then released as a person exhales. Having low hemoglobin can make it difficult for the body to perform these functions.
In this article, learn how to increase hemoglobin levels naturally. We also look at methods of testing and what the results show.
How to increase hemoglobin:

A person can raise their hemoglobin levels at home by:
- . Increasing iron intake
- A person with reduced levels of hemoglobin may benefit from eating more iron-rich foods. Iron works to boost the production of hemoglobin, which also helps to form more red blood cells.
Iron-rich foods include:
- meat and fish
- soy products, including tofu and edamame
- eggs
- dried fruits, such as dates and figs
- broccoli
- green leafy vegetables, such as kale and spinach
- green beans
- nuts and seeds
- peanut butter
Increasing folate intake
folate is a type of vitamin B that plays an essential part in hemoglobin production. The body uses folate to produce heme, a component of hemoglobin that helps to carry oxygen.
If a person does not get enough folate their red blood cells will not be able to mature, which could lead to folate-deficiency anemia and low hemoglobin levels.
Good sources of folate include:
- beef
- spinach
- rice
- peanuts
- black-eyed peas
- kidney beans
- avocadoes
- lettuce
Maximizing iron absorption
Consuming iron in foods or supplements is important, but a person should also help their body to absorb that iron.
Foods rich in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, strawberries, and leafy green vegetables, can boost the amount of iron absorbed. Taking a vitamin C supplement may also help.
Vitamin A and beta-carotene can aid the body in absorbing and using iron.
Foods rich in vitamin A include:
- fish
- liver
- squash
- sweet potatoes
- kale and collards
Foods high in beta-carotene include yellow, red, and orange fruits and vegetables, such as:
- carrots
- sweet potatoes
- squash
- cantaloupes
- mangoes
While vitamin A supplements can help the body to process iron, the vitamin is dangerous if too much is consumed.
Excess vitamin A may lead to a condition known as hypervitaminosis A. This can cause symptoms such as bone and joint pain, severe headaches, and increased pressure within the brain
How to Increase Hemoglobin in Child:
Well, Pediatricians hear this question way too constantly in their conventions. Our pediatric nutritionist platoon at Fitterfly intends to help you unfold the fact lines towards boosting your child’s hemoglobin situations just by going the natural way with easy food tips.
Hemoglobin is the color that gives blood its color. However, also the performing tube is pale and unheroic in color If the blood cells are removed.
Hemoglobin makes up about 96 of the red blood cells dry weight. Hemoglobin in the blood carries oxygen from the respiratory organs which are the lungs to the rest of the body.
Hemoglobin, therefore, provides energy for fleshly functions. To attain normal hemoglobin situations in the blood, iron situations need to be maintained.
What are the Symptoms of Low Hemoglobin in the blood?
Hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout the body. In most cases, a slight decrease in hemoglobin levels does not cause any symptoms, which is why most people do not consult a doctor. Despite being unnoticed and untreated most of the time, low hemoglobin has its own characteristic symptoms that help a doctor identify the underlying cause. Some of the major symptoms of low hemoglobin are-
- General Weakness With Fatigue
- Shortness of Breath
- Dizziness With Frequent Nausea
- Headache
- Pale skin and brittle Nails
- Rapid Heartbeat
- Poor Appetite
- Simple Bruising and Lack of Clotting
- Weak Bones and Joint Pain
- Sore Tongue
- Inability to Concentrate and Concentrate
How to improve blood hemoglobin count?
Most cases of low hemoglobin count can be treated with simple lifestyle changes such as eating a healthy and balanced diet and getting regular exercise. In some cases, iron supplements and medications may be needed. Here are some simple remedies and home remedies to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
Foods to Increase Hemoglobin:
Some rich sources of iron are spinach, chicken liver, asparagus, beef, broccoli, green peas, beans, fenugreek leaves, seafood, ground beef, cauliflower, and tomatoes. Also, eat iron-rich fruits like papaya, orange, beet, pomegranate, banana, peach, mulberry, apple, litchi, kiwi, guava, apricots, watermelon, strawberries, etc., which naturally provide essential iron.
Legumes (eg soy, red kidney beans, chickpeas, black beans, lentils, fava beans, black-eyed peas), dates, almonds, wheat germ, sprouts, Indian gooseberries, herbs (eg nettle leaves, colocasia leaves), Brown rice, whole grains and sesame seeds in your diet can help you keep your hemoglobin levels normal.
Include foods rich in vitamin C with iron-rich foods in the diet:
Most people eat iron-rich foods but still fail to maintain a normal hemoglobin count. This is because the iron present in the food is not absorbed by the body.
Therefore, it is advisable to include vitamin C as it helps in the absorption of iron in the body. Foods rich in vitamin C are citrus fruits (such as Indian gooseberry, orange, and lemon), strawberries, and dark leafy green vegetables.
Increase your intake of folic acid:
A B-complex class of vitamins, folate plays an important role in the production of red blood cells and its deficiency not only leads to low hemoglobin levels but also increases the risk of anemia. Therefore, foods rich in folic acid are recommended for people with low hemoglobin.
Folic acid is found naturally in green leafy vegetables, wheat germ, liver, fortified cereals, rice, peanuts, bananas, sprouts, broccoli, and dried beans. Although folic acid supplements are available OTC, you should take them only after consulting a doctor. The recommended dosage of folic acid supplements is about 200-400 mg per day.
Avoid foods that block the absorption of iron in the body:
Most of us are aware that calcium is a major blocker of iron in the body. Calcium supplements should be taken about an hour before or after iron intake as it interferes with the absorption of iron in the body. Other iron blockers are foods rich in tannins such as tea, coffee, wine, beer, cola, and aerated drinks.
Opt for high-intensity exercise when you exercise:
The role of exercise in maintaining overall health is undeniable. Exercise not only keeps you fit and healthy but also helps in improving blood circulation, and aids in the production of hemoglobin. Studies have proven that moderate to high-intensity workouts can improve hemoglobin levels in people with iron deficiency anemia.
Take iron supplements only after consultation:
Iron supplements are prescribed by doctors in case the hemoglobin level is very low. The recommended dosage of iron supplements for men is 8 mg per day, while it is 18 mg per day for women. For pregnant women, however, the dosage is 27 milligrams a day.
As a precaution, one should not take more than 29 mg of the supplement in a day as it can cause side effects like nausea, constipation, and vomiting. In severe cases, it can even lead to liver cirrhosis.
Note to Readers:
Remember that hemoglobin serves as an oxygen-carrying protein in the body. Therefore, it is important to maintain the blood level of hemoglobin within the permissible range of 12-14 mg/dL.
Any change in hemoglobin count (values below or above this) is not only harmful to health but must be treated promptly to avoid complications such as iron deficiency anemia and liver disease. visit website: www.medicalnewstoday.com
How to Increase Hemoglobin Fast Naturally?
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FAQs About How to Increase Hemoglobin:
Which Food gives more Hemoglobin?
Hemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout the body. While there is no specific food that can increase hemoglobin levels directly, a balanced and nutritious diet that includes foods rich in iron, vitamin B12, and folate can help support the production of healthy red blood cells and maintain hemoglobin levels.
Some examples of iron-rich foods include red meat, poultry, fish, beans, lentils, tofu, fortified cereals, and dark leafy greens like spinach and kale. Vitamin B12 is mostly found in animal-based foods such as meat, fish, dairy products, and eggs. Plant-based sources of vitamin B12 include fortified cereals and nutritional yeast. Folate is abundant in leafy green vegetables, fruits, beans, and fortified grains.
It’s important to note that factors like age, gender, and underlying health conditions can also impact hemoglobin levels. If you are concerned about your hemoglobin levels, it’s best to consult with a healthcare professional.
How can I increase my hemoglobin in 10 days?
Increase iron intake. Iron deficiency is the most common cause of low hemoglobin levels. …
Increase vitamin C intake. …
Increase folate consumption. …
Eat an apple (or pomegranate) every day. …
Switch to brown rice. …
Eat dark chocolate. …
Drink nettle tea. …
Avoid iron blockers.
Which fruit is best for hemoglobin?
Iron is an important nutrient required for the production of hemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout the body. Fruits that are rich in iron can help increase hemoglobin levels. Some of the fruits that are good for hemoglobin include:
Pomegranate: Pomegranates are a good source of iron, vitamin C, and other antioxidants. They can help improve hemoglobin levels and increase blood flow in the body.
Apples: Apples are a good source of iron, vitamin C, and fiber. They can help increase hemoglobin levels and improve digestion.
Bananas: Bananas are a good source of iron, vitamin B6, and potassium. They can help improve hemoglobin levels and regulate blood pressure.
Apricots: Apricots are a good source of iron, vitamin C, and beta-carotene. They can help increase hemoglobin levels and improve skin health.
Kiwi: Kiwi is a good source of iron, vitamin C, and antioxidants. It can help improve hemoglobin levels and boost the immune system.
It’s important to note that while these fruits can help improve hemoglobin levels, they should not be relied on as the sole source of iron in the diet. It’s important to eat a balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrient-rich foods to maintain healthy hemoglobin levels.
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